Fault finding
Problems caused by age, DIY or cowboy trades can cause more than just your lights not to work. Fire, electrical shocks, electrical burns and in the worst case death can be caused by people who don't know what they are doing. Don’t mess around or cut corners with electrical installations. Always use fully qualified and certified electricians.

A poorly tightened neutral is all it took for the pvc insulation to be burnt to a crisp in this socket

Junction boxes in a loft without lids on exposing live terminals. No earth sleeve on earth core and terminated outside of the junction box

This cabling has deteriorated so much that just moving it made it break open

The previous "electrician" had left this cable live above a metal sink, he had also bypassed the RCD protection due to another fault on a brand new install.

Customer called me back after the RCD started tripping. After denieing that they had changed anything I found this. Customer didn't understand why it didn't work

Deteriorating main cables powering the consumer unit
If you have any questions, or to discuss any future or existing projects please contact us